Revista MENDIVE (Jan 2018)
The teaching media in the process of appropriation of professional content
This article refers to the need to improve the appropriation of the professional contents of the subject of Food Conservation in the third year students of Food Technology of CP Rigoberto Fuentes Pérez of Pinar del Río. An analysis of the background and conditions that led to its emergence is shown. By means of these antecedents it is possible to declare the need to improve this process of appropriation through the use of previously conceived teaching methods, which will greatly favour the solution to professional problems and a better professional performance during the work practice. The objective proposed for this article was directed to the elaboration of a deep diagnosis that will corroborate the detected social problem, based on the results of a group of instruments such as observation to classes, the documentary review, the interview to the professors, the survey and the pedagogical test. The research has as a methodological basis the dialectical-materialist method, with the use of methods of the theoretical, empirical and statistical techniques. The use of teaching aids where the situations observed by the students coincide with the practical activity is a process that is an essential way to increase knowledge, the creation of professional skills and the formation of values in the subsequent professional performance of the graduates of the Food Conservation specialty.