Медицина катастроф (Dec 2020)
Regulation of Risks of Emotional Burnout Syndrome in Persons in Hazardous Occupations
The aim of the study is to prove that the regulation of the magnitude of the risks of emotional burnout syndrome (SEV) in persons in hazardous occupations (OP) can influence the processes of the emergence and formation of SEV. Materials and methods of research. All the examined persons of hazardous occupations (296 people) who had different degrees of probability of occurrence (PVV) of burnout syndrome were divided into 2 subgroups: the 1st subgroup, in which no corrective measures were carried out – 87 people, including 12 people with PVV1, 25 people with PVV2, 25 people with PVV3, 25 people with PVV4 and the 2nd subgroup, in which complex recovery measures were carried out – 209 people, of them with PVV1-20 people, with PVV2 – 58, with PVV3 – 30, with PVV4 – 101 people, where PVV1 is the highest, and PVV4 is the lowest degree of probability of SEV occurrence. Recovery activities were of complex character and included: group classes (lectures) and individual consultations; prevention of occupational risks – a profession-related analysis of activities and recommendations for their optimization; corrective and recovery activities using the devices "Alfaria" and ASIR. Evaluation of the effectiveness of measures was carried out using the device UPFT-1/30-"Psychophysiologist", which allows to determine the parameters of the functional state of the vegetative nervous system, the nature and features of adaptive activity of the body; the effectiveness and adequacy of specific therapeutic and corrective measures, as well as-using the Giessen questionnaire – to assess the presence of psychosomatic disorders. Research results and their analysis. Carrying out comprehensive preventive measures at the early stages of the first signs of SEV in OP individuals (risk management) will help to minimize or level the risks of the occurrence and further development of this syndrome. A set of preventive measures to regulate the risks of SEV in OP individuals can be the basis for further development and improvement of methods and tools for regulating the risks of SEV in various professional contingents and groups.