BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)

Refined model of leather

  • Bahadirov Gayrat,
  • Nabiev Ayder,
  • Tsoy Gerasim

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 116
p. 07020


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The structure of finished leather and semi-finished products differ in physical and mechanical parameters. To obtain the properties of elasticity, pliability, and viscosity required in leather production, it is necessary to ensure their values that guarantee the high quality of the resulting product. In this article, a model for finished leather is obtained based on combining the viscoelastic Kelvin model with the deformationinert Khusanov model and the Bingham–Shvedov viscoplastic model. This model makes it possible to improve the elastic-viscous plastic deformation of a fibrous material (leather). The possibility of clarifying the pattern of change in the deformation curve depending on the time the fibrous material is loaded by a certain force was explored. The aim of refining the deformation curve is that in known models, at the initial moment of loading, deformation occurs instantly up to a certain value, which does not fully describe the real physical process of deformation of the material. Consequently, in the proposed refined model, the deformation is fixedat zero value, which provides a real physical pattern of deformation of the fibrous material. The refined model will serve designers of technological machines to develop parameters of deformation during the mechanical processing of elastic-viscous plastic materials.