Vojnosanitetski Pregled (Jan 2013)
Endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic diseases
Bacground/Aim. Endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic diseases is an adequate alternative to open surgery. This method was firstly performed in Serbia in 2004, while routine usage started in 2007. Aim of this study was to analyse initial experience in endovacular treatment of thoracic aortic diseses of three main vascular hospitals in Belgrade - Clinic for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of the Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinic for Vascular Surgery of the Military Medical Academy, and Clinic for Vascular Surgery of the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases “Dedinje”. Methods. Between March 2004. and November 2010. 41 patients were treated in these three hospitals due to different diseases of the thoracic aorta. A total of 21 patients had degenerative atherosclerotic aneurysm, 6 patients had penetrating aortic ulcer, 6 had posttraumatic aneurysm, 4 patients had ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysm, 1 had false anastomotic aneurysm after open repair, and 3 patients had dissected thoracic aneurysm of the thoracoabdominal aorta. In 15 cases the endovascular procedure was performed as a part of the hybrid procedure, after carotidsubclavian bypass in 4 patients and subclavian artery transposition in 1 patient due to the short aneurysmatic neck; in 2 patients iliac conduit was used due to hypoplastic or stenotic iliac artery; in 5 patients previous reconstruction of abdominal aorta was performed; in 1 patient complete debranching of the aortic arch, and in 2 patients visceral abdominal debranching were performed. Results. The intrahospital mortality rate (30 days) was 7.26% (3 patients with ruptured thoracic aneurysms died). Endoleak type II in the first control exam was revealed in 3 patients (7. 26%). The patients were followed up in a period of 1-72 months, on average 29 months. The most devastating complication during a followup period was aortoesofageal fistula in 1 patient a year after the treatment of posttraumatic aneurysm. Conversion was performed with explantation of stent-graft and open aortic in situ recontruction, followed by esophagectomy and the creation of cervical and gastrical stoma. Conclusion. Having in mind initial results of the 3 main vascular clinics in Belgrade, Serbia, economical situation in our country, as well as the published international results, endovascular treatment of thoracic aortic diseases is indicated in hemodinamicaly unstable patients with acute traumatic aneurysm, or in stabile patients older than 65, as well as in case of chronic diseases of the thoracic aorta in patients with significant comorbid conditions or in patients older than 65 years. Endovascular procedures on the thoracic aorta could be performed, hower, only in high-volume centers with experience in routine open surgery of thoracic aorta.