Colloquium Agrariae (Dec 2015)
The sugar cane presents extensive acreage in the State of São Paulo in Brazil. Due to the desuniform and heterogeneous rainfall throughout the year, it is important to the study of irrigation in order to set a correct water management culture. The definition of water demand in the different stages of development of culture, promotes the development morphophisiological. The purpose of this study was to evaluate parameters of morphogenesis of sugar cane RB 86 7515 irrigated during the initial development. The experiment was conducted in PVC pots on campus II UNOESTE, during the initial phase of vegetative development of sugarcane. The treatments were composed of different irrigation blades (50, 75, 100, 125 and 150% of evapotranspiration of culture – ETc). The depths of irrigation were calculated by the method of Penmam-Monteith recommended by FAO. The experimental design in randomized blocks, with 5 depths of irrigation and 5 blocks. Assessed: biweekly height plants (AP), sheet number bi-weekly (NC), dry mass of the shoot (MSPA), water efficiency (USA), length of root (CR) and root dry matter (MSR). The parameters obtained were submitted to ANOVA and later by Scott-Knott test at 5 probability level for comparison of averages. For the biometric parameters there were no differences between the means obtained. The depth of irrigation of 50% ETc was presented the greater efficiency of water use. Considering the parameters morfogênico there was no statistical differences for studied irrigation. However, assessing the relationship between blade and dry mass of irrigation applied, it was concluded that 50% ETc resulted in greater efficiency of water use.