Эндодонтия Today (Apr 2020)
Разработка способа обезболивания моляров нижней челюсти при лечении кариеса и его осложнений
Was made the estimation of efficiency and safety of the modified periodontal anesthesia on the mandible for molars with the use of articain 4% with the adrenaline 1:200 000. Application of dopplerography has allowed to estimate change of haemodynamic indicators in microcirculation in the periodontal tissues and the pulp and to register absence of local complications. Monitoring indicators of central haemodynamics testified absence of deflections. Efficiency of anesthesia estimated subjectively by means of an analogo-visual scale and electroodonto-diagnostic. Results of the spent researches have shown simplicity of carrying out, high efficiency and safety of the given method.