Politeja (May 2017)
W stronę Czarnobyla
Towards Tchernobyl. Is Postmemory a Driving Force for Medicalization or Vice Versa? The article poses a question about relations between practices of medicalization and postmemory ones. The introduction includes the main similarities between two concepts mentioned above in order to explain putting them together within the article. First chapter briefly characterises the concept of medicalization in social science. Another one describes the Chernobyl catastrophe and the way its inhabitants from younger generations „remember” it. Then, the main aspects of „postmemory” are characterised such as epistemological, practical, artistic and political one. The third chapter illustrates thesis that postmemory is the main driving force for medicalization processes. The fourth reverses it and argues that medicalization itself could be the main reason for postmemory practices. Summary tries to answer the question posed in the title.