Iranian Journal of Public Health (Feb 2016)
Female Labor Supply and Fertility in Iran: A Comparison Between Developed, Semi Developed and Less Developed Regions
Background: Female labor supply has been changed dramatically in the recent yr. In this study, we examined the effects of development on the relationship between fertility and female labor supply. Methods: We used data of population and housing census of Iran and estimated three separate models. To do this we employed Logistic Regressions (BLR). Results: The estimation results of our study showed that there was a negative relationship between fertility rate and female labor supply and there are some differences for this relationship in three models. Conclusion: When fertility rate increases, FLS would decreases. In addition, for higher fertility rates, the woman might be forced to work more because of the economic conditions of her family; and negative coefficients of the fertility rate effects on FLS would increase with a diminishing rate.