Вестник Пермского университета: Серия Экономика (Dec 2024)
Electrical capacity of products and its impact on regional economy
Introduction. The legislative acts adopted by the country’s leadership determine the relevance of the research topic, while their execution brings forward certain difficulties. It is considered to be a challenge for the state to simultaneously promote the economic growth of the Russian regions, comply with the requirements for sustainable development of territories, and reduce the use of energy resources for production. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to determine the electrical capacity of products and its impact on the sustainable development of regional economies in order to adopt appropriate typological decisions by authorities. To do this, the growth rates of industrial production and electricity consumption were calculated. Materials and Methods. The study refers to 2017–2022 Rosstat data on industrial production, energy consumption, and gross regional product. The basic method is applied to calculate the growth rates, and the grouping method is used to analyze the findings. Results. The article considers a possible solution to a two-pronged problem when the authorities manage the growth rates of both industrial production and its electrical capacity. The findings reveal similar characteristics among the regions, which could categorize them intro groups. These groups show region-oriented electricity consumption, electrical intensity, and the developed structure of branches in regional economies, and could determine the impact of ongoing processes (indicators in questions) on the gross regional product. The proposed approach has both theoretical and practical significance: it facilitates the adoption of reference management decisions by regional authorities to manage the growth rates of independent variables. Conclusion. The study is relevant as it words the research problem, proposes the assessment methodology for the growth rate of electrical capacity of industrial products, determines its impact on the sectoral structure of gross value added (sections B, C, D, E), which constitutes the gross regional product. Keywords: industrial production, sustainable development of the territory, electricity consumption, gross regional product, energy efficiency, economic growth, growth rates, regional differentiation, grouping of regions For citation Belov V. I. Electrical capacity of products and its impact on regional economy. Perm University Herald. Economy, 2024, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 361–376. DOI 10.17072/1994-9960-2024-4-361-376. EDN BDLVZA.