Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie (May 2014)
In this article we will focus on identifying the policies and strategies of employment for the graduates with a higher education in both the European Union and Romania, trying to create a framework of laws of the EU and Romania that should coexist in a perfect integration, in order to facilitate the insertion on the national and international labour market of qualified personnel. Considering that the labour market is seen as the contact area between graduates of higher education and the employing companies, we considered important to (re)analyze the labour market with all the elements that characterize its functions, including the theories, the relations between the offer and the demand on the labour market, but also the elements that determine the possible changes occurring in the process of integration and employment. Without any doubt, any critical situation that appears on the labour market shall entail the defining elements of unemployment seen as a distortion of the labour market. Unemployment represents a dramatic situation if we take into consideration the psychosocial aspects of a person that is in such a situation. Job loss is felt in different ways and in varying intensities by individuals who are affected on either short or long terms, according to their life experiences and conflicting trends that are specific to their personalities. We also wanted find out how well the modern economy functions in the development of the relationship between the society and the individual, thinking that it has become more and more difficult for higher educated graduates with expertise only at a theoretical level to be absorbed on the labour market without having in their portfolios years and years of practical experience. All of these analyses have led to the completion of a particular case study conducted on a group of subjects who are undergraduate students at the "Oil and Gas" University, in Ploiesti, concerning the integration of higher educated graduates on the job market. The research includes the premises, purposes, objectives and hypotheses formulated from which we started the research. We will present the procedure of organizing the research and the investigated subjects. The stages of the research include: the implementation documentation analysis, the instruments for research and the interpretation of the results obtained. In order to check the veracity of the results obtained, we used the following research instruments: the piloting of a questionnaire addressed to undergraduate students, the organization and interpretation of a focus-group and the presentation of the interviews attended by students and academics at the "Oil and Gas" University in Ploiesti.