Historia i Polityka (Dec 2010)
Zagadnienie polskich granic w działalności Ministerstwa Prac Kongresowych oraz Biura Prac Kongresowych 1940–1948
The issue of the Polish borders in the activity of the Ministry of Congress Work and the Office of Congress Work 1940-1948Poland’s location and history have often brought up the issue of its borders. During World War II and just after its end the issue became topical again. International diplomacy had to undertake the task of deciding about the futurę of Germany yet another time in the firsthalf of the 20th century. The issue of new borders was integral part of this decision and one of its basie elements. Poland being perforce directly affected by the border decisions wanted to participate actively in the work on the preparation of the possible futurę peace treaty with the western neighbour. Special institutions were established for this purpose. Within the Polish government- in-exile the Ministry of Congress Work conducted its activity and after the war was over the new Polish authorities formed the Office of Congress Works. Presenting the details of border decisions concerning Poland or Germany which were the result of the war is not the aim of this article. It is aimed at showing the visions of these borders which were developed in these two Polish institutions in two different political realities. Both the Ministry of Congress Work and the Office of Congress Work produced a large number of studies concerning the futurę borders. They were prepared by experts connected with various research institutions as well as columnists, military men and politicians.