SAGE Open Medical Case Reports (Feb 2019)
Gossypiboma (retained surgical sponge) induces septic shock after previous breast surgery: A case report
Foreign body granuloma caused by retained surgical sponge is also called gossypiboma or textiloma, is mostly described in the abdominal cavity, with only a very few cases of retained surgical sponges located in breasts. A 48-year-old female came to our emergency department due to shortness of breath with consciousness disturbance. Sixteen years previously, she had gone through modified radical mastectomy. Eight years later, she received breast reconstruction. At emergency department, her hemodynamic status was unstable. Besides, there was one mass lesion with abscess in the right axillary region, and percutaneous abscess drainage was performed. She was sent to the medical intensive care unit for further care of septic shock. Because her symptoms and signs did not improve, we decided to perform fasciectomy and surprisingly found one retained surgical sponge in her breast. After the operation, she recovered well and the wound was stable. Due to limited literature available, we present a case of gossypiboma in the breast with a clinical manifestation of septic shock.