Orthopaedic Surgery (Feb 2020)
Development and Biomechanical Study of a New Open Dynamic Anterior Cervical Nail Plate System
Objective To develop a new type of open dynamic cervical spine system and study its biomechanical properties. Methods Ten fresh goat spine specimens were used in this study. Using high precision digital display grating displacement sensor system, a new type of open dynamic nail plate fixation was compared with Atlantis nail plate fixation in terms of the stability of cervical vertebrae, pull‐out strength, and fatigue strength. Results Biomechanical tests showed: (i) the new type of open dynamic cervical anterior nail plate system has similar three‐dimensional stability as the Atlantis nail plate system, and can ensure the stability of anterior cervical fixation surgery; (ii) the fatigue life and fatigue strength of this new open dynamic anterior cervical nail plate and Atlantis nail plate are similar, and can adequately maintain the cervical stability after anterior bone graft fusion, to ensure long‐term safety and efficacy of the nail plate system in the body; and (iii) the overall fixed performance of the new type of open dynamic cervical nail system is satisfactory. Conclusion The new type of open dynamic anterior cervical nail plate system has satisfactory biomechanical characteristics and cervical spine stability effect.