Muṭāli̒āt-i Mudīriyyat-i Gardishgarī (Nov 2003)
The Economic of Tourism and Travel Accommodation
Almost all economists and commentators as well as government officials and other policy - makers have accepted that the tourism industry is an important source of foreign earnings for a country . This is especially true of those countries, such as Iran and other developing countries , which are dependent on export income from the export of raw materials that are always affected by large price lluctuations.<1) Tourism , therefore, has been regarded as an important element in l-See.for example: ABull. 1lte Economics of Travel and Tourism (Wiley. NC\v York. 1996): S.F. \Vitt. and C.A win Moedlling and Forecasting Demand in Tourism (Routeldge . London, 1990); and D.H.Lundberg .. ,M.H. Stavenga and 1-1. Krishnamoorthy Tourism Economics (John Wiley & Sons, NewYork.1995).