Drepturile Omului (Jun 2020)
Înțelegerea infracțiunilor motivate de ură antimusulmană – abordarea nevoilor de securitate ale comunităților musulmane: ghid practic (Biroul OSCE pentru Instituții Democratice și Drepturile Omului - ODIHR, VARȘOVIA, 2020)
The analyzed guide addresses the security needs of Muslim communities and the security challenges they face, by providing practical solutions for governments and stakeholders to prevent and combat hate crimes, to develop effective and comprehensive responses to hate crimes and to support the victims. It also approaches topics such as the underreporting and under-recording of hate crimes against Muslims, encouraging wider analysis and research, advocacy and awareness-raising campaigns, as well as promoting communication and collaboration between local officials and members of Muslim communities, involving the civil society. Touching the educational aspect, the document also provides case studies, a short guide to Islam addressed to police officers and even context for specific terminology.