Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Apr 2010)
從意義建構取向探討國立中央圖書館臺灣分館之視障服務 National Taiwan Library Services for Visually Impaired People: A Study Using Sense-Making Approach
本文以實務問題解決為導向,應用Dervin以使用者為中心的意義建構取向,以國立中央圖書館臺灣分館(簡稱央圖臺灣分館)的視障讀者為研究對象,從使用者的角度探討視障者的資訊尋求行為,試圖回答:視障者利用圖書館的情形(含動機與經驗)、符合視障者需求的服務策略、視障者對服務策略的需求程度等三個研究問題。本研究首先訪談23名視障者(全盲者15人,弱視者8人,年齡自24歲到83歲不等)的圖書館利用行為;其次,參酌訪談結果,擬訂問卷選項,調查280名視障者(全盲者215人,弱視者70人,年齡自9歲到67歲不等)的意見;最後,依據研究結果,分別就央圖臺灣分館、視障圖書館及視障服務機構、與政府單位等三方面,提出建議。Subjects for this research were chosen from the visually impaired users of the National Taiwan Library (NTL). The Research framework of this study followed the sense-making theory, which is problem-solving-oriented. The purpose of this study is to examine information seeking behavior of visually impaired peo- ple using the library. This study also seeks to discover how visually impaired people use libraries whilst analyzing the barriers and problems they experi- ence, and whether libraries actually met their needs. This study used semi- structured interview and questionnaire to collect data, involving 23 individual interviewees (15 were blind, 8 were partially sighted, aged from 24 to 83) and 280 participants (210 were blind, 70 were partially sighted, aged from 9 to 67). Based on the results, the author of this paper has offered some suggestions to NTL upon the quality and service of collections, librarians, services and equip- ment and environment. The author also has offered some suggestions to visual disability service units and government departments, in order to serve as refer- ences for improving services for visually impaired people.