Florida Public Health Review (Feb 2012)
Leadership to Address Sexual Education in Schools
This paper will take the strategies ofleadership proposed by Bennis and Nanus (1985) in application to sexual education in schools. The severity and significance of the sexual health of youth will be shown, with an emphasis on contributing risk behaviors and ideologies. An overview ofthe current state ofteenage pregnancy and sexual disease incidence will be included. Next, the factors that contribute to the disparities of sexual health in youth will be addressed. These factors include: race, parental and peer support, participation in a sexual education program, and current policies on sexual education. A discussion about the relation ofthe factors to participation in risky sexual behavior will be included. The paper will conclude by applying the leadership strategies ofBennis and Nanus to develop innovative and effective sexual education in schools. The four strategies proposed are attention through vision, meaning through communication, trust through positioning, and deployment of self through positive self-regard and the Wallenda factor. Applications for future health educators will be discussed to help assist in development of sexual education programs.