Scientific Reports (Nov 2024)
Hydrodynamics of cruise swimming and turning maneuvers in Euchaeta antarctica
Abstract The hydrodynamic disturbance generated by the adult copepod Euchaeta antarctica during cruise swimming is quantified. Kinematic results are compared to previous results reported for different Euchaeta species. The results reveal a linear relationship between cruise speed and prosome length across Euchaeta species, indicating a size-proportional trend that is indicative of a complicated interaction of species size and environmental factors such as fluid temperature and viscosity. The detailed fluid flow measurements using the tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry (tomo-PIV) technique provide insight into copepod cruise propulsion during turning events in comparison to straight motions. During straight swimming, E. antarctica demonstrates streamlined flow patterns and reduced vorticity in the near-body fluid shear layer, which is beneficial for sustained motion and energy conservation. In contrast, turning maneuvers are characterized by maximum flow velocities reaching 1.5 times greater values than during straight cruising with increased flow field complexity and enhanced vorticity. The viscous dissipation rate generated in the flow disturbance is also greater during turning events, with the total dissipation rate reaching $$\bf3.5-3.8\times 10^{-8}$$ 3.5 - 3.8 × 10 - 8 W compared to $$\bf2.6-2.8\times 10^{-8}$$ 2.6 - 2.8 × 10 - 8 W during straight cruising. The flow disturbance also generates a hydrodynamic cue that prey may sense in order to avoid the predator E. antarctica. For the adult E. antarctica, the hydrodynamic cue extends to a volume that is 11–13 times larger than the copepod exoskeleton volume during the straight swimming motion and 22–25 times larger during the turn events.