Ибероамериканские тетради (Mar 2015)
An attempt of semantic analysis of the predicate “to rent”
The present article analyses the predicates of the “repentance” semantic field (arrependimento m, arrepender-se vr, estar arrependido) in Portuguese. Predicates of repentance describe emotional state with negative evaluation, the cause of which is in the past. The cause may describe actions, intentional acts and emotional states of the same subject only, and is conveyed in syntaxes by a noun or a proposition. Predicate of repentance is included into a “history” of human relationships, which has the causality of its own. Predicates of repentance may carry a seme of limitation (beginning), they are not dispositional, neither can they be graduated. The emotional state of repentance seldom manifests itself and is uncontrollable. The subject of repentance is passive. If the subject is active, and semes demonstrate controllability, the verbs change their meaning and switch into the domain of intentional predicates or predicates of behavior (action).