Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2006)
Para uma teoria da avaliação formativa
The main goal of this paper is to contribute for the construction of a theory offormative assessment upon which classroom assessment practices could bebased and improved. Beyond presenting, discussing, and defining the conceptof alternative formative assessment, this paper proposes the development ofresearch wich enables one to understand: a) classroom curriculumdevelopment processes and its relationship with assessment processes; b)pupilsand teachersroles in the teaching, learning, and assessing processes;and c) classroom teaching, learning, and assessment environments as well asits contexts and pedagogical dynamics. Also, in order to develop empiricalresearch and the theoretical construction in the area of formative assessmentit is proposed that classroom assessment realities should be both described,analysed, and interpreted. As a consequence, examples are given of researchquestions which are seen as having priority to meet the above mentionedaims