Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze Medico-Biologiche (Apr 2019)
Canine atopic dermatitis: medico-legal implications
Canine atopic dermatitis is a common skin problem involved dogs and cats, genetically predisposed, associated with the synthesis of IgE antibodies against environmental antigens. The disease is present in young animals (aged between 6 months and 3-4 years), most frequently in female than male clinical features. Pruritus and erythema are principal clinical signs. Non-dermatological forms characterized by rhinitis, cataracts, asthma, gastrointestinal symptoms and irregular estrous cycle. The Authors analyze the conditions enabling the redhibitory action in cases of dogs affected by atopic dermatitis and suggest new medico-legal perspectives concerning buying and selling to prevent disputes