EPJ Photovoltaics (Jan 2023)
Edge passivation of shingled poly-Si/SiOx passivated contacts solar cells
This work aims at the full recovery of efficiency losses induced by shingling double-side poly-Si/SiOx passivated contacts crystalline silicon solar cells. It focuses on thermally-activated Aluminium Oxide (AlOx) layers elaborated by thermal Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) to passivate the edges of shingled cells cut by using the innovative “45° tilt squaring approach”. The whole procedure featuring high-temperature AlOx annealing led to very low cut-related performance losses. Indeed, the efficiency and FF of the passivated shingled cells surpassed the values obtained for the as-cut shingles by 0.5%abs and 2.6%abs, respectively. Approaches for further improvements are also discussed, particularly to overcome the short-circuit current density decrease observed for passivated shingles.