BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
Restoration of the Erythronium sibiricum (Fisch. et C.A. Mey.) Krylov coenopolulation in a nature reserve
The article presents the results of a six-year study of the feasibility of maintaining the integrity of restored Siberian fawn lily coenopopulations after returning from the ex-situ system to the natural habitat. The restoration of the Siberian fawn lily coenopopulation in the disturbed part of the Barzassky Nature Reserve was the final stage of the biological reclamation of lands disturbed due to illegal economic activities. The source of planting material for restoration was fawn lily bulbs from the habitat zone destroyed during the development of a coal deposit within the boundaries of JSC Chernigovets. The bulbs were kept in artificial habitats of the Kuzbass Botanical Garden of the Federal Research Center of Coal and Coal Chemistry of SB RAS. Fawn lily seed material was obtained from the seed bank formed in the four years of plant development. In accordance with the restoration objectives, to completely restore a natural complex similar to the original appearance, the required volume of vegetative material amounts to 550 bulbs and of seed material – to 1050 seeds. The bulbs were planted in clumps of 5 m2. The seeds were sown in furrows of 100 seeds in each. As a result, the rooting rate of the bulbs was about 86%, and the germination rate of the seeds equaled 85%. Bearing in mind that the planting material amount was increased during the work, the final result fully meets the required standards in terms of the number of Siberian fawn lily seedlings and sprouts. The methodological and technological techniques and approaches used during Siberian fawn lily cultivation and return to the in-situ system fully ensured the success of measures aimed at conserving vulnerable components of the regional biodiversity.