Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (May 2019)
"Bonded" compounds composition in the oils of biodegradated petroleum using their "on-line" flash pyrolysis
The relevance of the discussed issue is caused by the necessity to obtain and summarize the information on the composition and structure of oily and resin-asphaltene components from unconventional hydrocarbon sources - heavy high-viscosity oils and natural bitumen, most of which are biodegraded, for reveal their genesis, to solve the problem of their production, transportation and processing, as well as rational use of the products obtained. The difficulties in obtaining information even about the compositions of oily components in the objects mentioned above, in particular by gas chromatography with a mass spectrometric detector (GC/MS), are caused by the fact that in the chromatograms, along with the peaks of the identified compounds, there is a so-called «hump», in which up to 90...95 % of the oily components is concentrated. The compositions of the components in the «hump» cannot be identified by a conventional GC/MS version. Besides, the published literature data indicate the presence of complex high-molecular components in petroleum oils, in which some types of compounds are chemically bonded. They also indicate that it is promising to use destructive methods to obtain information about the structure of the «bonded» fragments in oily components. The main aim of the study is to obtain the information on the composition of «bonded» structural fragments in complex high-molecular oily components of the biodegraded oils and natural bitumen. The methods used in the study: methods of NMR 1 Н and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS), analytical pyrolysis of oils (Rock-Eval and combination two-stage flash pyrolysis at 300 and 600 °С with «on-line» GC/MS analysis of volatile products of thermal destruction). The results. Thermal cracking of oil components in the biodegraded oils and natural bitumen under the conditions of a two-stage «on- line» flash pyrolysis provides additional information on the compositions of petroleum oils (mineral oils), which is unavailable at their direct GC/MS analysis. The data obtained indicate the presence of «bonded» forms of alkanes, alkylcyclohexanes, homohopanes and alkylbenzotiophenes in the compositions of the complex high-molecular components of oily studied.