Дискурс Пи (Aug 2023)
The Configuration of Modern Humanitarian Diplomacy in the System of International Relations
The system of international relations in the 21st century is undergoing significant changes under the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors, as well as due to the emergence of new geopolitical actors. Modern challenges and threats, natural disasters, armed conflicts, and humanitarian crisesin different regionsrequire consolidation of the world community and building a constructive dialogue. The academic community is actively involved in monitoring global political development and searching forsolutions to actual and emerging problems of global and regional importance. One such attempt is the monograph "Multilateral humanitarian diplomacy: Universal and regional experience", prepared by representatives of the Uralschool of international relations. The review presents a critical analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of humanitarian diplomacy.As a result of the analysis of the monograph, it has been found that humanitarian diplomacy is being formed as an independent concept, expanding its own conceptual and categorical apparatus(conceptosphere). In addition to the features already considered by the Uralscholars - polymodality (umbrella), polycentricity, multiculturalism, the author of the review highlights the inverse nature of modern humanitarian diplomacy, since under certain conditions it can lose its soft potential and transform into a hard, manipulative geopolitical tool. A significant part of the book examines the humanitarian diplomacy of the United Nations, the European Union, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. In this regard, the review pays special attention to the identification and comparative analysis of the key mechanisms and directions of humanitarian activities of both traditional actors of international politics and regional actors, which are gradually increasing soft power and constructing their own humanitarian agenda.