Analele Universităţii Constantin Brâncuşi din Târgu Jiu : Seria Economie (Aug 2022)
After a long period of transition in which it aims to strengthen the rule of law and the specific institutions of a modern democracy, Romania today has a stable economy with the chance to become a leading country in the European Community through a new economic project that will channel all the energies of the decision makers towards a sustainable economic development. The main objective is to define a vision that provides the societal consensus on the main areas and action measures aimed at placing Romania on the path of sustainable development, which would translate, in economic language, by the convergence of GDP / capita with the level of European countries. There are at least three major directions: the nature of competition, the formation of industrial agglomerations, the use of high technology, as well as documents designed to support and complement the strategic directions of sustainable development in Romania with: national development policies, strategies and plans. continuous concern. In the documents regarding Romania's position regarding the sustainable economic development, these three directions are still based on vulnerable foundations. The sustainability of economic growth is not given exclusively by the share of consumption-investment-export engines, but the growth rate of the total productivity of the factors has a greater relevance. Therefore, in this scientific approach we will present an analysis of the historical gap of Romania, compared to the European Union in key areas of sustainable development, we will develop a series of policies and strategies to reduce the obvious gap between Romania and European Union countries and an analysis of the factors influencing their financial indicators specific to a sustainable economy.