E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2019)
Fuzzy Logic Method Design for Landslide Vulnerability
Landslide is one of the most frequently happened disasters in Indonesia due to weather and climate characteristics, regional topography, and geological structures that make this country have many potential landslide areas. The main goal of this study is to apply fuzzy logic to the landslide detection sensor so that it is easier to find out areas prone to landslides. The fuzzy logic method uses five parameters to analyze the landslide area. These parameters are rainfall, land slope, moisture content in two different soil depths, and ground vibration. They are used to determine the vulnerability level of landslide area is very safe, relatively safe, relatively potential, potentially and very potential. Fuzzification, inference, and defuzzification performed on each data in the analysis process to determine the vulnerability of landslides, and the parameters and weighting rules are according to government regulations. From the results of the study, it was concluded that intelligent systems based on fuzzy logic can be used to determine the level of vulnerability of landslides in a specified area.