Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Dec 1997)
Comparatıve Evaluatıon Of Upper Molar Dıstalızatıon Wıth Modıfıed Pendulum Applıance And Combıned Headgear
The purpose of this study is to compare Modified Pendulum Appliance and Extra-oral Force Techniques in dental Class 2 cases for the distalization of upper molars. The study was carried out on the pre-and post-treatment lateral cephalograms of 40 cases. Upper molars of 20 cases were distalized by Modified Pendulum Appliance, while Extra-oral Forces were used in the other 20 cases. Dentofacial changes were evaluated by means of cephalometric analysis after 3 months treatment period. The amount of molar distalizations were found statistically significant in both groups and Angle Class 1 molar relationships were provided more rapidly in Modified Pendulum Appliance group. Cooperation problem was noticed in Extraoral Force, group, however there was no complaint in Modified Pendulum Appliance group.