Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Dec 1997)

Comparatıve Evaluatıon Of Upper Molar Dıstalızatıon Wıth Modıfıed Pendulum Applıance And Combıned Headgear

  • Ümit Gürton,
  • Hüseyin Ölmez,
  • Deniz Sağdıç,
  • Osman Bengi,
  • Ertuğrul Erdoğan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 3
pp. 321 – 328


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The purpose of this study is to compare Modified Pendulum Appliance and Extra-oral Force Techniques in dental Class 2 cases for the distalization of upper molars. The study was carried out on the pre-and post-treatment lateral cephalograms of 40 cases. Upper molars of 20 cases were distalized by Modified Pendulum Appliance, while Extra-oral Forces were used in the other 20 cases. Dentofacial changes were evaluated by means of cephalometric analysis after 3 months treatment period. The amount of molar distalizations were found statistically significant in both groups and Angle Class 1 molar relationships were provided more rapidly in Modified Pendulum Appliance group. Cooperation problem was noticed in Extraoral Force, group, however there was no complaint in Modified Pendulum Appliance group.
