Molecular engineering of sulfur‐providing materials for optimized sulfur conversion in Li‐S chemistry
Long Jiao,
Heng Li,
Chen Zhang,
Hao Jiang,
Shuo Yang,
Dengkun Shu,
Chenyang Li,
Bowen Cheng,
Quanhong Yang,
Wenjun Zhang
Long Jiao
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, & Center of Super‐Diamond and Advanced Films City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China
Heng Li
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, & Center of Super‐Diamond and Advanced Films City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China
Chen Zhang
School of Marine Science and Technology Tianjin University Tianjin China
Hao Jiang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, & Center of Super‐Diamond and Advanced Films City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China
Shuo Yang
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Tianjin University of Science & Technology Tianjin China
Dengkun Shu
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Tianjin University of Science & Technology Tianjin China
Chenyang Li
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Tianjin University of Science & Technology Tianjin China
Bowen Cheng
Tianjin Key Laboratory of Pulp and Paper Tianjin University of Science & Technology Tianjin China
Quanhong Yang
Nanoyang Group, State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology Tianjin University and Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemical Science and Engineering Tianjin China
Wenjun Zhang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, & Center of Super‐Diamond and Advanced Films City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong China
Abstract The practical implementation of lithium‐sulfur (Li‐S) batteries is greatly hampered by the low sulfur utilization and limited battery lifespan stemming from the complexity of the sulfur conversion reactions. As a core element in Li‐S chemistry, the intrinsic physiochemical properties of sulfur have predominant impacts on the final battery performance, and thus rational engineering of its structure at the molecular level may provide ample possibilities to optimize the sulfur conversion behaviors and hence to promote the commercialization of Li‐S technology. This review summarizes the recent advancements in tailoring the electrochemical performance of Li‐S batteries through engineering the molecular structures of sulfur‐providing materials themselves, such as by heteroatom doping, skeleton grafting, and construction of polysulfides‐based functional intermediates. Some new‐type inorganic sulfur‐equivalent active molecules with beneficial electrochemical properties for cathode application are also included. Finally, the perspectives on the challenges of molecular engineering of sulfur for achieving advanced Li‐S batteries are discussed.