Grenek: Jurnal Seni Musik (May 2019)
Enkulturasi Alat Musik Bundengan di SMP Negeri 2 Selomerto Wonosobo
The enclosure process of bundengan musical instruments that took place at Selomerto Wonosobo 2 Junior High School as an effort to inherit traditional arts to the next generation. The inheritance of bundengan musical instruments at the school includes elements of enculturation and the process of socialization through educational facilities. The efforts of enculturation of bundengan musical instruments in Wonosobo Selomerto 2 Middle School were actualized through various activities. The support and role of appreciation from the community and government institutions in collaboration with SMP Negeri 2 Selomerto in reintroducing the use of bundengan musical instruments in ceremonial and ceremonial events provides space for appreciation and fulfillment of students' needs for their existence, the existence of musical instruments, schools and students and the community. The use of social media, and print media, is one of the cultural transmission media in informing and becoming a form of internalization. This research is qualitative research, which is carried out using survey methods; observations, in-depth interviews (independent interviews), documentation, and literature studies that refer to the concept of cultural enculturation.