Politeja (Dec 2015)

Negatywność i bios politikos

  • Mikołaj Ratajczak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 9 (39)


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Negativity and bios politikos. The translation of the political in the contemporary Italian political philosophy The article is concentrated around the thesis claiming that the political, understood as a domain independent from the others factors (such as social, economic, biopolitical, etc.) determining life, requires some kind of a negative mediation. Nevertheless, the most important philosophers for the paper try to go rather beyond the modern (Hegelian) limitation of the negativity. In the first part, the thesis is tested against the theorists connected with the Lacanian Left, so the philosophical proposition of E. Laclau and Ch. Mouffe (the „antagonism” and the „constitutive lack”) is discussed as well as J. Rancière’s concept of the „disagreement”. However, the main attention is attracted first and foremost to the contemporary Italian philosophy starting with the debate between M. Cacciari and A. Negri in the 60s. Then the role of the negative within the thought of R. Esposito is analyzed in close relation to his concept of the community (and the forces immunized us from it), whereas in the case of the philosophical projects of P. Virno and G. Agamben, it is rather the language (its dispositive) that introduces the negative into the human life. Finally the negativity seems to constitute a particular kind of human life’s potentiality.
