Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics (Jan 2007)
Using the Expert Systems for Determining the Products Stored and the Products Taken Out of the Inventory
The analysis of the products stored and theproducts taken out of the inventory represents one of the basicproblems of an economy in crisis. Not controlling thesephenomena as regards the entire economy can lead to blockingthe economic circuits and even to a financial blockage.Obtaining semi-finished products, finished products andresidual products generates a potential income for the economicunit included in the accountancy analysis through the account711 “Stocks variations” that has the role of an intermediaryincomes account considering the stage of the economic circuitsduring which the incomes assessments on are made. Thebalance of the account 711 “Stocks variation” is shown in theprofit and loss statement, at the corresponding column in theoperating revenues structure in order to calculate the “financialyear production”.Closing the financial year represents one of the mostimportant moments of the activities that are performed by thefinancial-accountancy department. This is the basic reason fordeveloping some expert systems that would assist the analysiswork of the patrimonial statement and the obtaining ofinformation as regards the policy of the economic unitconcerning the level of products inventory resulting from theoperating activity. DESTOC is a prototype of the expert systemthat solves aspects related to the finished products, semifinishedand residual products. For the DESTOC prototype it isused the ESIEWIH generator specialized in building scenariosbasedknowledge bases. The DESTOC prototype has as purposedetermining the products stored and the products taken out ofthe inventory and it assumes a series of comments necessary tothe calculus manner.