Studia Romanica Posnaniensia (Jan 2012)
Raconter pour témoigner : la guerre et l’Occupation dans le champ littéraire belge au sortir du second conflit mondial
Over the period directly following the Second World War, continuity and discontinuity were closely interwoven in the Walloon literature. From one hand, esthetic models from Interwar period were still present and no novel concepts appeared in the writings of Walloon authors. From the other, however, a large number of new State-run institutions were inaugurated. The hardships suffered during the war, seen mainly as an instance of disruption, are abundantly described in literary works, especially in testimonies. It is in this context that Arthur Haulot, Belgian poet and novelist, made prisoner and taken to Dachau, created his literary poignant output. His writings are marked by harsh experiences undergone in camps.