Veterinary Integrative Sciences (May 2023)

Genetic variants of INHA/PstI and VIPR1/HhaI and their relationship with reproductive traits in Ac chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson)

  • Le Thanh Phuong,
  • Tran Trung Tu,
  • Nguyen Trong Ngu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 3
pp. 831 – 841


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The Ac chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus Brisson) is commonly raised alongside other domestic chicken breeds in the Mekong Delta region. This study was conducted to analyze the impact of INHA/PstI and VIPR1/HhaI polymorphisms on the reproductive characteristics of this breed. A total of 380 Ac hens from 16-40 weeks of age were used, each placed in a separate cage for data collection . DNA isolation was performed using feather samples, and genotypes were detected by applying the PCR-RFLP technique . Two polymorphisms were identified , namely C829T (INHA /PstI) in exon 1 of the INHA gene an d C429 13T (VIP R1/HhaI) in intron 6 of th e V IPR1 ge ne .At both site s, two po lymo rphism s d id not follow the Hardy -Weinberg e quilibr ium . The IN HA /PstI and VIP R 1/Hh a I po lymo rphism s demo nstrated a statist ically significant association with the tota l number of eggs pro duce d and the la ying r ate (p<0.0 5). S pec ifically , he ns with TT genotype (INHA/PstI ) had the highest egg p rodu ction (7 2.4 eggs /he n/24 laying week s ). In contras t , thos e with t he CC genotype produced approximately 9 fewer eg gs (63.2 eggs /h en ), resu lting in layi ng rates of 4 5.2% and 40 .3%, re specti vel y .Additionally , the INHA/PstI polymorphisms sho wed a notab le and significan t associ at ion with the average age of the first egg (p<0.05). In conclusion , to enhance egg prod uction in Ac ch ickens th roug h selective breeding, it is rec ommended to prioritize the use of birdswith the TT genotype at the INH A/Pst I locu s.