Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Jan 2014)
Antropologia imago Dei jako odpowiedź na antropologię gender
The starting point of this article is the existence of Gender theory which states that there is the age-old conflict between men and women, which can be remedied only by a denial of the existence of biological sex and unacceptable, “gender” – gender, so would disappear differences between male and female and asexual society was founded. The purpose of this article is to show what is the ideology of gender and indication of its philosophical background in the form of Marxism and Constructivism. The answer to this destructive individual, family and society is the idea of the message of Genesis 1–2, where it is referred to the creation of man in the image and likeness of God – imago Dei. Today, a particularly strong need is to remind you that we believe not only in the redemption of man by God – man, but in God – the Creator of the world and man, and all the consequences that arise from this.