Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan (Nov 2017)
Parenting self efficacy ayah pada nuclear and xtended family
There are a lot of family form in Indonesia, but the outline of that form devides into nuclear family and extended family. The basic difference of both of them is family member who existing in and causes a different dynamic spesifically the availibilty of social support, so at the end of the day it will affect on father’s Parenting Self-Efficacy (PSE). The aim of this study is identying the differences of PSE level between father in nuclear family and extended family by using a Fathering Self-Efficacy Scale (FSES) with quantitative as a research design. Snowball is a sampling technique with 200 subjects and the data is analyzed by using Mann Whitney test. The result shows Z score=-1.273 and p=0.216 (p>0.05), therefore there is no significant differences of PSE level between father in nuclear and extended family.