Rev Rene (Jun 2016)

Nursing diagnosis on the Noncompliance to treatment in men with hypertension

  • Talliton Uchôa de Araújo,
  • Nuno Damácio de Carvalho Félix,
  • Natana de Morais Ramos,
  • Célida Juliana de Oliveira,
  • Angélica Isabely de Morais Almeida

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 3


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Objective: to identify the frequency of occurrence of nursing diagnosis on the Noncompliance of treatment in men with high blood pressure, its defining characteristics, and related factors. Methods: a Cross-sectional study involving 44 men with hypertension by applying a validated instrument for identification of nursing diagnosis. Results: the diagnosis frequency of occurrence was 56.8%, the most present defining characteristics were the inadequate management of nonpharmacological treatment (p=0.000) and adherence failure of indicative behavior (p=0.000). The most common related factors were deficient knowledge for the monitor of the non-drug treatment regimen (p=0.000) and insufficient teaching ability of health staff (p=0.002). Conclusion: it was found a high frequency of diagnosis in men and the data point to the need for training of health professionals for the development of skills in promoting adherence of men to the treatment of hypertension.
