Cleaner Environmental Systems (Dec 2024)

Life cycle assessment to support public procurement of food: A review

  • Cecilia Casonato,
  • Esther Sanyé-Mengual,
  • Matteo Vittuari,
  • Serenella Sala

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15
p. 100239


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Current food production and consumption patterns in the European Union are exerting significant pressure on the environment and limited natural resources. The ongoing triple planetary crisis is jeopardizing future sustainability and requires appropriate actions to halt its progress. Public food procurement is often indicated by scholars and policymakers as a potentially transformative policy to shift demand towards sustainable consumption, as well as creating a demand for more sustainably produced food. However, quantitative evidence of the environmental performance of food procurement is lacking. This paper critically reviews existing literature quantifying and evaluating the impacts related to food procurement, specifically focusing on the use of Life Cycle Thinking approaches and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The results collected show heterogeneous methodological approaches when it comes to LCA, but a consistent narrative in recommending a well-planned dietary shift, decreasing the consumption of animal products. Combining environmental impact indicators with nutritional assessments emerges as key in supporting food procurement. The results of this review can support the reflection on future food procurement policy including criteria to be employed by public authorities.
