Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Sep 2021)

Quality of life in people with coronary artery disease: translation and cross-cultural adaptation of a questionnaire

  • Ana Raquel Viegas de Assis,
  • Luize Maximo e Melo,
  • Vinícius Batista Santos,
  • Juliana de Lima Lopes

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 75, no. 1


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ABSTRACT Objective: to carry out translation, cross-cultural adaptation to Portuguese and assess the reliability of the four versions of the Coronary Revascularization Outcome Questionnaire - adapted. Methods: a methodological study of translation and cross-cultural adaptation into Portuguese, as proposed by Beaton et al., and reliability analysis, by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and item-total correlation of the four versions of the Coronary Revascularization Outcome Questionnaire - adapted. Results: the adaptations made facilitated the understanding of the items. All domains had Cronbach's alpha above 0.70, except two in the post-percutaneous coronary intervention version and two in the post-myocardial surgical revascularization version. All items had item-total correlation values greater than 0.20, except two in the post-percutaneous coronary intervention version, one in the pre-coronary intervention version and six in the post-myocardial surgical revascularization version. Conclusion: the cross-cultural adaptation to Portuguese was considered satisfactory. Pre-procedure versions were considered reliable, while the post-procedures require other psychometric analyses.
