Asian Journal of University Education (Jun 2008)

Designing Online Teaching and Learning Activities for Higher Education in Hong Kong

  • Kevin Downing ,
  • Ivan Lam ,
  • Kristina Shin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 1 – 11


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Instruction using the Web as a vehicle for content dissemination has increasingly dominated debates related to online learning (Nash, 2004) and there is little doubt that the exponential growth in the use of the internet and web-based instruction continues to present educators with considerable opportunities and challenges (Boettcher, 1999; McNaught & Lam, 2005). Many teachers and researchers (Wood, 1997; Littlejohn et al., 1999) point out that the organization and reflection necessary to effectively teach online often improves an instructor’s traditional teaching. This is a theme continued by Downing (2001) who identifies the eventual success or failure of online teaching as largely due to the same factors that have always been central to the provision of a quality learning experience. These factors include the energy, commitment and imagination of those responsible for providing the teaching and learning environment, whether it is virtual or actual. It is within this context that the authors of this paper set themselves the task of designing innovative online teaching and learning activities which add value to the student experience and genuinely assist learning traditionally difficult and dynamic concepts. The increasing adoption of outcomes based teaching and learning environments in universities around the world has provided wide-ranging opportunities to reflect on current learning and teaching practice. Whilst outcomes based teaching and learning is not a new idea (Biggs, 1999), many academic colleagues are actively seeking ways to leverage information technology solutions to design constructively aligned online teaching and learning activities which add value to the student learning experience and significantly assist in the understanding of difficult concepts and processes. This paper will describe and demonstrate the innovative development of online teaching and learning activities which adhere to the principles of both outcomes based teaching and learning and constructive alignment.