Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica (Sep 2010)

Koncentrace pozornosti jako předpoklad výkonu u sportovců v juniorských kategoriích ve vytrvalostních sportech Concentration of attention as a predisposition of performance in junior categories in endurance sports

  • Lenka Kovářová,
  • Karel Kovář

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 40, no. 1
pp. 23 – 31


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<strong>V&Yacute;CHODISKA</strong>: Anal&yacute;zou psychologick&yacute;ch předpokladů pro vytrvalostn&iacute; sporty se zab&yacute;vaj&iacute; sportovn&iacute; i kliničt&iacute; psychologov&eacute; již několik des&iacute;tek let. Z vybran&yacute;ch studi&iacute; proveden&yacute;ch u vytrvalostn&iacute;ch v&iacute;cebojařů a vytrvalců obecně (Nideffer, 1995; Nideffer &amp; Bond, 1989; Nideffer &amp; Bond, 1998; Nideffer, 2000; H&aacute;tlov&aacute;, 2000 a dal&scaron;&iacute;) vypl&yacute;v&aacute;, že jedn&iacute;m z nejdůležitěj&scaron;&iacute;ch psychologick&yacute;ch předpokladů pro maxim&aacute;ln&iacute; v&yacute;kon je schopnost koncentrace pozornosti. <strong>C&Iacute;LE</strong>: C&iacute;lem bylo zji&scaron;těn&iacute; rozd&iacute;lů v koncentraci pozornosti extr&eacute;mně vytrvalostně zatěžovan&yacute;ch adolescentů. V&yacute;zkum byl realizov&aacute;n na 57 triatlonistech ve věku 15&ndash;22 let zařazen&yacute;ch do sportovn&iacute;ch center ml&aacute;deže ČR, rozdělen&yacute;ch do skupin dle jednotliv&yacute;ch z&aacute;vodn&iacute;ch kategori&iacute; (15&ndash;17 a 18&ndash;22). Předpokl&aacute;dali jsme tedy, že je statistick&yacute; a věcně v&yacute;znamn&yacute; rozd&iacute;l v hodnot&aacute;ch naměřen&yacute;ch v testech koncentrace pozornosti mezi dorostenci (15&ndash;17 let) a juniory a K23 (18&ndash;22 let). <strong>METODIKA</strong>: Použili jsme standardizovan&eacute; psychodiagnostick&eacute; testy (Jir&aacute;skův č&iacute;seln&yacute; čtverec, Č&iacute;seln&yacute; obd&eacute;ln&iacute;k, Bourdonův test a Disjunkčn&iacute; reakčn&iacute; čas II). Pro porovn&aacute;n&iacute; rozd&iacute;lů v&yacute;sledků dvou skupin triatlonistů jsme na z&aacute;kladě v&yacute;sledků F-testu použili t-test pro nez&aacute;visl&eacute; v&yacute;běry s rovnost&iacute; rozptylů. Ověřen&iacute; faktorov&eacute; validity jsme provedli pomoc&iacute; konfirmativn&iacute; faktorov&eacute; anal&yacute;zy. Pro vypracov&aacute;n&iacute; standardů v&yacute;konů v jednotliv&yacute;ch testech pro obě věkov&eacute; kategorie jsme v&yacute;sledky převedli na standardizovan&eacute; hodnoty (T-body), kter&eacute; n&aacute;zorněji ukazuj&iacute; intra a interindividu&aacute;ln&iacute; rozd&iacute;ly vzhledem k určen&eacute;mu modelu &ndash; normě. <strong>V&Yacute;SLEDKY</strong>: V&yacute;sledky testov&aacute;n&iacute; uk&aacute;zaly, že skupina star&scaron;&iacute;ch triatlonistů vykazuje v&yacute;znamně vy&scaron;&scaron;&iacute; schopnost koncentrace pozornosti. Rozd&iacute;ly byly u v&scaron;ech zji&scaron;ťovan&yacute;ch diagnostik statisticky v&yacute;znamn&eacute; (Jir&aacute;skův test před v&yacute;konem t = 2,127, p = 0,037, &omega;2 = 0,062; Jir&aacute;skův test po v&yacute;konu t = 2,970, p = 0,004, &omega;2 = 0,123; Č&iacute;seln&yacute; obd&eacute;ln&iacute;k t = &ndash;3,307, p = 0,002, &omega;2 = 0,150; Bourdonův test t = &ndash;3,331, p = 0,002, &omega;2 = 0,150; Disjunkčn&iacute; test t = 4,95, p = 6,79*10&ndash;6, &omega;2 = 0,296). Na z&aacute;kladě ověřen&iacute; validity testov&eacute; baterie (Goodness of Fit Index [GFI] = 0.960, [RMR] = 0.042) uv&aacute;d&iacute;me standardy pro obě věkov&eacute; kategorie u v&scaron;ech ověřovan&yacute;ch testů. <strong>Z&Aacute;VĚRY</strong>: Zjistili jsme, že schopnost koncentrace pozornosti se v juniorsk&yacute;ch kategori&iacute;ch s věkem zvy&scaron;uje. Zji&scaron;těn&eacute; &uacute;daje byly statisticky v&yacute;znamně vy&scaron;&scaron;&iacute; u skupiny star&scaron;&iacute;ch triatlonistů (18&ndash;22 let) oproti skupině mlad&scaron;&iacute;ch triatlonistů (15&ndash;17 let). Rozd&iacute;ly byly u v&scaron;ech zji&scaron;ťovan&yacute;ch diagnostik statisticky v&yacute;znamn&eacute;.<strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: From the chosen studies done in endurance multithlon athletes and endurance athletes generally (Nideffer, 1995; Nideffer & Bond, 1989; Nideffer & Bond, 1998; Nideffer, 2000; Hátlová, 2000 and others) it follows that one of the most important psychological predispositions for maximal performance is the ability to concentrate one's attention. <strong>OBJECTIVE</strong>: The aim was to find out differences in concentration of attention in extremely endurance-loaded adolescents. The research involved 57 triathletes of age 15–22 years, members of youth sport centers in the Czech Republic, divided into groups according to particular competition categories (15–17 and 18–22). We supposed that there is statistical and subject matter significance in differences in the values measured in tests of concentration of attention between the youth category (15–17 years) and the junior category and K23 (18–22 years). <strong>METHODS</strong>: We used standardized psychodiagnostic tests (Jirásek's numeric square, Numeric rectangle, the Bourdon test and Disjunctive reaction time II). To compare differences in results of both groups of triathlon athletes we used, on the basis of F-test results, the t-test for independent samples with equal variance. Factor validity was verified by means of confirmative factor analysis. To develop standards of performance in particular tests for both categories we converted results into standardized values (T-points) which points out intra and inter individual differences more precisely concerning the defined model – a norm. <strong>RESULTS</strong>: The results indicate that the group of older triathletes shows a significantly higher level of concentration of attention. Differences were, in all examined diagnostics, statistically significant (Jirásek's test before physical load t = 2.127, p = 0.037, ω2 = 0.062; Jirásek's test after physical load t = 2.970, p = 0.004, ω2 = 0.123; Numeric rectangle t = –3.307, p = 0.002, ω2 = 0.150; the Bourdon test = –3.331, p = 0.002, ω2 = 0.150; Disjunctive test t = 4.95, p = 6.79*10–6, ω2 = 0.296). On the basis of the verified validity of the test battery (Goodness of Fit Index [GFI] = 0.960, [RMR] = 0.042) we present standards for both age categories in all verified tests. <strong>CONCLUSIONS</strong>: We found out that the ability to concentrate attention increases with age in junior categories. The data were statistically more significant in the group of older triathlon athletes (18–22 years) than in the group of younger triathletes (15–17 years). Differences were, in all examined diagnostics, statistically significant.
