Majalah Ilmiah Matematika dan Statistika (Oct 2024)
Pemodelan Jumlah Rumah Tangga Sangat Miskin di Jawa Timur Menggunakan Regresi Nonparametrik B-Spline
Indonesia is a developing country that continues to experience poverty. East Java is one of the provinces that ranks 3rd as the province with the largest number of poor people in Indonesia. This study aims to model the number of very poor households in East Java using the B-Spline nonparametric regression method. The results show that the B-Spline nonparametric regression model for the number of very poor households in East Java only uses four independent variables, namely the number of households with drinking water sources from mineral water, the number of households that do not use electricity, the number of households that do not have defecation facilities (do not have latrines), the number of households that have a final disposal site for feces in the form of a hole in the ground. Keywords: B-Spline, Regresi Nonparametrik, Kemiskinan MSC2020: 62G08