(Jan 2024)
Elevated heterotrophic capacity as a strategy for Mediterranean corals to cope with low pH at CO2 vents
- Ann Marie Hulver,
- Chloé Carbonne,
- Nuria Teixidó,
- Steeve Comeau,
- Dustin W. Kemp,
- Elise F. Keister,
- Jean-Pierre Gattuso,
- Andréa G. Grottoli
- Ann Marie Hulver
- Chloé Carbonne
- Nuria Teixidó
- Steeve Comeau
- Dustin W. Kemp
- Elise F. Keister
- Jean-Pierre Gattuso
- Andréa G. Grottoli
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19,
no. 7
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