Известия высших учебных заведений России: Радиоэлектроника (Jul 2024)
Semi-Automatic Design of Dual-Band End-Fed Antennas for Digital Antenna Arrays
Introduction. The topic of implementing a dual-band mode of operation for director dipole antennas is represented by a wide range of works, almost all of which are dedicated to studying the properties of a classic dipole. However, the issue of end excitation of radiators for dual-band director antennas remains open. The development of such radiators requires a deep analysis both from the point of view of developing mathematical and electrodynamics models, which corresponds to the tactical and technical requirements of modern digital antenna arrays.Aim. To substantiate a procedure for determining the initial appearance of a dual-band antenna exciter from the standpoint of the systems approach to the design of antenna elements and nodes. This procedure is suitable for a semi-automated design of more complex antenna systems.Materials and methods. As part of the research, the input impedance of a dual-band system consisting of two active radiators and two passive directors was determined using the method of induced electromotive forces (EMF). Models of dual-band director radiators were developed using the CST Studio Suite 2021 full-wave electromagnetic simulation.Results. The results of developing procedures for a semi-automatic design of antennas with a dual-band function of input impedance are presented. Following a comparative analysis, approaches to implementing the printed layout of an antenna comprising standard radio engineering components, which imply serial production, are proposed.Conclusion. The proposed models can be used when designing director, turnstile, and cardioid antennas, as well as antenna arrays. These designs are analogous to antennas based on a classic central excited dipole.