Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal (Dec 2023)
Short Term Outcomes of Transcatheter Ventricular Septal Defect Device Closure at Tertiary Cardiac Care Center
Objective: To determine post procedural immediate and short-term outcomes of transcatheter Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) device closure. Study Design: Longitudinal Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Pediatric Cardiology Unit at Tertiary Cardiac Care Centre, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, from Feb to Oct 2022. Methodology: Total of 62 patients fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria who underwent transcatheter VSD device closure were retrospectively identified from our institutional database by non-probability consecutive sampling technique. Preprocedural evaluation [Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE) & Electrocardiography(ECG)], procedural details and immediate post procedure outcomes were documented. Follow-up evaluations were done at 6 and 12 months. It included clinical examination, TTE and 12 lead ECG. New onset and status of old complications were documented in each visit. SPSS version 24.00 was used to analyze data. Chi-square test was used to find association between study variables. p-<0.05 was considered significant. Results: Sixty-two patients were followed up for upto 1 year after VSD device closure. Mean VSD size on Echo was 4.612.52mm. Successful closure was obtained in 54(87.0%) of cases out of 62. Complications documented during and immediately after procedure were transient arrythmias in 22(35.5%), residual leaks in 9(14.6%) which reduced to 3(4.8%) on 12 months follow up, device redeployment in 3(4.8%), complete heart block (cAVB) in 1(1.6%), device embolization in 1(1.6%), hemolysis in 2(3.2%), contrast related complications in 1(1.6%), aortic regurgitation (AR) in 4(6.4%). Death occurred in 1(1.6%) patient secondary to contrast related complications. Conclusion: Transcatheter VSD closure is a promising and safe treatment modality with high success rate. Complications ..