Анналы клинической и экспериментальной неврологии (Feb 2017)
Myeloproliferative diseases and ischemic stroke
Myeloproliferative diseases (MPD) comprise a group of clonalpathology resulting from genetic alterations at a stem cell level.WHO (2008) divides MPD into several classical forms polycythemiavera, essential thrombocytemia, and primary myelofibrosis.Haemorheologic and haemostatic disturbances have beenwidely accepted as a significant (in some cases primary) cause ofacute and/or chronic cerebrovascular disease. A pre-existing MPDmay potentiate and accelerate the development of circulatoryalterations, including those occurring in the brain tissue, leading toischemic stroke. The present article comprises a literature reviewon this uncommon pathology, as well as a clinical presentation of astroke case in a patient with underlying MPD (Vaquez disease).