中西医结合护理 (Nov 2023)
Nursing of a gastric cancer patient with intestinal obstruction treated by moxibustion combined with acupoint application (艾灸联合穴位贴敷疗法治疗1例胃癌肠梗阻患者的护理)
This paper summarized the nursing management of a gastric cancer patient with intestinal obstruction treated by moxibustion combined with acupoint application. Based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome differentiation, moxibustion on Zusanli Acupoint, Shenque acupoint and Zhongwan acupoint combined with acupoint application on Tianshu acupoint was carried out to for warming and activating meridian, regulating spleen and stomach, and relieve the symptoms of intestinal obstruction. (本文总结1例艾灸联合穴位贴敷疗法治疗胃癌肠梗阻患者的护理经验。基于辨证分型, 采取足三里穴、神阙穴、中脘穴艾灸和天枢穴穴位贴敷, 温经通络、调理脾胃, 有效缓解患者肠梗阻症状。)