Profile Issues in Teachers' Professional Development (Jan 2022)

Preservice EFL Teachers’ Experiences in Their First Teaching Practicum: A Collaborative Autoethnography

  • Kelli Johana Ariza-Quiñones,
  • Lizzeth Dayana Hernández-Polo,
  • Kelly Julie Lesmes-Lesmes,
  • Elcy Lorena Molina-Ramírez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 24, no. 1
pp. 193 – 207


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This paper reports a collaborative autoethnography on a first teaching practicum at Universidad Surcolombiana. The study aimed at how we, as novice researchers and preservice English as a foreign language teachers, make sense of our teaching experiences in our first teaching practicum using collaborative autoethnography as a research method. The data were collected by reflective journals and ethnographic observations. Results show the meaning that we give to our experiences, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, by recognizing and analyzing our sociocultural context. Additionally, we were immersed in a virtual learning environment where we had the opportunity to confront unforeseen changes imposed by the pandemic, familiarize ourselves with possible issues that teachers grapple with, and imagine new ways to be ourselves.
