Smart Agricultural Technology (Oct 2023)

Vision-based normalized canopy area estimation for variable nitrogen application in apple orchards

  • Achyut Paudel,
  • Joseph R. Davidson,
  • Cindy Grimm,
  • Manoj Karkee

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5
p. 100309


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Normalized canopy area is a measure of spatial canopy fill or canopy coverage in a tree. It is an important factor for growers to consider in making various farming decisions, such as timing and amount of fertilization, pesticide application, and irrigation, as it gives a sense of the overall canopy growth. This study focused on estimating the normalized canopy area of apple trees using a ground-based stereo-vision system in a commercial orchard under natural lighting conditions. A color, depth, and height threshold, followed by a point density-based outlier removal was applied to segment the target tree canopies. The segmented canopy area was compared with the area estimated with manual segmentation, which showed an F1 score of 0.78. The overall growth of the tree canopies was then represented using normalized canopy area, which was calculated as a fraction of pixels occupied by the tree foliage over the total possible area a tree could occupy for a given tree spacing. It was found that the normalized canopy area of individual trees was highly correlated with the surface volume of the canopy (r = 0.7), which is a traditionally used parameter to assess or represent canopy growth. The estimated normalized canopy area was then compared against experts' nitrogen recommendation for the sample trees, which was based on their visual assessment of the vigor/growth of the trees. Four individual experts (one apple farmer, one orchard manager, and two horticulturists with research and outreach experience) were asked to provide their independent nitrogen recommendation and an average recommendation level was calculated. The comparison showed an overall correlation coefficient of -0.5, indicating an opposite relationship (higher the canopy density, lower the need for nitrogen and vice versa) between the normalized canopy area and the average of the experts' nitrogen recommendation. When the relationship between the normalized area and nitrogen recommendation level was assessed for individual experts, the correlation coefficient was estimated to be -0.86, -0.84, -0.96, and -0.78, respectively, for Expert1, Expert2, Expert3, and Expert4 respectively. The results from this study identified a critical measure for assessing nitrogen needs at individual tree levels in apple orchards and provides an automated tool to estimate the measure. The outcomes of this study could be used as a part of an integrated decision support system for orchard operations (e.g., fertilization or irrigation) that may include additional canopy characteristics such as spectral signature, trunk diameter, and rate of change of leaf color in the fall.
