IEEE Photonics Journal (Jan 2018)
Generation of RF Intensity-Modulated Laser Pulses by Dual-Frequency Injection Seeding
In order to obtain high peak power RF intensity-modulated pulses for long-distance applications, a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser is injection seeded by a dual-frequency laser signal. The beat note frequency of the dual-frequency laser signal is adjusted to the frequency spacing of two adjacent longitudinal modes of the Q-switched laser. When the dual-frequency signal is injected into the Q-switched slave resonator, simultaneously two cavity axial modes are tuned to allow the injected wave frequencies within the axial modes selection range, the two selected slave cavity modes will oscillate due to phase-pulling effect. The Interference of the two modes results in intensity modulated pulses. The modulation frequency equals to a free spectral range of the Q-switched cavity, which is 225 MHz in our experiment. Maximum intensity-modulated pulse energy of 7 mJ and pulsewidth of 16 ns are measured. The dependence of locking bandwidth to the injected power is also studied experimentally, it is confirmed that the locking bandwidth increases with respect to the injected power of the seed signal. The high peak power RF intensity-modulated pulsed light source is a promising candidate for long-distance lidar-radar applications.